Sunday, February 26, 2012


by Rachel Vilencia on Sunday, January 3, 2010 at 8:56am

I will speak words that build instead of destroy.
Shake off the past and construct the future.
Be the example of what I want to see in others.
Settle for nothing less than the best.
I will wait.
I will listen.
I will love.
Press in to things of value.
Shun excess and welcome substance.
Get lost in the happiness of others.
Celebrate my daughter's laugh.
Wander aimlessly on purpose.
Forgive to be free.
Work harder than ever before.
Focus on positive things.
Remember to whom I belong.
Align myself with excellence.
Abandon insecurities.
Give like I have it all.
Party like it's 1999.
Spend time with those that truly love me.
Appreciate the beauty and art in this world every moment.
Love my family.
Pray for those that hurt me.

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