Friday, February 24, 2012


Since I wrote my last blog my faith crisis is in full swing.  My cousin had that sweet baby and named her Brooke Lynn Proske.  She died on the last day of January at 5 months and 15 days old.  Her funeral was February 5th.  Exactly one year since Stella died.  I find it hard not to cry and not to question.  I am so sad and so concerned for Lena and Mike.  Chris is still fighting - I just don't know how they find the strength.

I have never been good at keeping up with blogging, although I've tried on many occassions.  I almost never go back and read what I have written so forgive any errors.  I am my harshest critic.

I have decided to post the poems I have written.  They are the most direct path to how I feel and who I am.  Perhaps sharing will help me get through.  This has been my hardest year and I cannot imagine how those closest to Stella and Brooke can handle losing them.  Prayers are appreciated and much required.

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