Friday, July 13, 2012

Optical Illusion

You're rushing toward the light
Believing there is something better
Than what you have right here
In a life based on altruism
It is astonishing that you fail to consider
Those you leave behind
In all ways you are fearless
Do not be fearless in this

Don't greet death with a kiss
Invite it to dinner
To feast on your Country Roses
And sup with your despair
There is nothing sadder than a life unlived
A family torn by apathy and indifference
No reason to believe
That light outshines this darkness

So what if there are gold streets, living waters
And angelic songs
There is still no guarantee
That faith ends in glorious reward
It seems so irresponsible to squander health
And not be grateful for gifts already bestowed
Five bright spots in an otherwise regretful story
Stand here beside you, praying for the best

I know that heaven, with all its attractions
Eternity with your Creator
And promises of peace beckons you at every turn
Please postpone your journey
As this one is not yet done
I'm not ready to lose you
My friend and my pillar
To infirmity and carelessness

It cannot be the will of God
For you to sacrifice yourself
When provision was already made
For you to be in health and prosper
Step away from the funhouse mirror
The illusion that proclaims
That another plane of existence
Is better than the regard I have for you
Right here

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