Thursday, May 17, 2012


I don't know how to let you go
Or how to feel without you here
I always believed I'd see you whole
I am amazed by your lack of fear

You are everything a young man should be
Kind strong and good
I don't know how our family will make it
No family ever should

I miss your smile,I see it always
And believe you're here somehow
I wish I could pick on you one more time
I hope you're holding our baby Brooke now

You were more than just a cousin
I have held you in my heart
You were like my own son
From all others set apart

I will miss you until I see you
Every minute, every day
I wish I could just tell you
How proud I am to say

You are such a fighter
Yet so gentle and unassuming
I can't stop all this crying
This grief is all consuming

You are priceless, Sweet Christopher
From the day that you were born
As we honor you and prepare you
To tread a path undeservedly well-worn

1 comment:

  1. He will forever be missed and loved by so many. His short seventeen years here on this earth, in our eyes was much too short. We now must hold onto what the Lord has promised us.... That he is now up above watching down in us, no more pain, no more worries. He is smiling ear to ear and having the best time of his life. Lord, please watch over his family and friends, please give them the strength to go forward each day. Amen!
