Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mile Marker 203

breaking down
every other minute

these things happen to "them"
not us, and I'm finding it hard
to understand

I just keep scratching
my way up faith's hill
in spite

there must be purpose
in all of this madness
or perhaps I need it to be
so much

if the plans you have for me
mean this
then I hope that I'm saved for something

it seems the casualties of this war
are too many
though the blessings still

so forgive me when I
break down here
and it appears that I lose

I guess this is when
you'll have to carry me
for I haven't got the

The Faithful Departed

Could we freeze a moment in time?
Could it be the last time I held you?

You always did want to do things first
Always pushed the boundaries set

'Tis only fitting that you
Would feel an angel's wings before me

As I sat and heard tales from others
Of what your time on this earth did mean

I am sad to be left with but memories
Only to wonder what I missed

You were loaned but a moment
Now safe from all grief and all pain

So here's to my faithful departed
My Kristy, larger than this life could contain

Saturday, September 15, 2012


There is something beautiful
In your unabashed honesty
Your willingness to be raw
Middle child with issues on display
You made us pay attention
Dimples and all, Any time you were in pain
I mourn the loss of all that's you
Two toned eyes, angelic face, and
Ever morphing hair
The memories are not sufficient
As it seems there are not enough
There should be more, Now you're not there
I love you - Every part
It is just so hard
But you never did it easy
Oh no
You lived this life with no regard
So I'm left with the eyes of your children
The legacy we hold
And I wonder if your story
Is ever sufficiently told
No good bye to the rose bearer
Who always felt the thorns
I pray the ship you're on now
Takes you to an ever peaceful shore
Where Krissy-pins abound
In a place called Canadarin
Where God needs help off buildings
And joy never ends

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


you knock me out with your frigid blue eyes
knock me sideways with your handsome smile
you knock me up with your relentless love

knock knock you're there
knocking down the hardness in my heart
knocking over my false impressions of you

knocking my socks right off
you knock around the clock
knocking me around punch drunk full of you

you're a knockout
my love
my life
I'll spend knocking around with you